Sunday, June 7, 2020

Benefits of Cleaning Our Home and Surroundings, 2020

The Earth is our common place of origin and it is protecting us. It has provided us with food, water, air, shelter, medicine, resources and beautiful scenery etc. Our primary duty is to protect it. One of the ways to protect the earth is to keep your home and surroundings clean. From this we can get physical, mental, social, environmental and economic benefits as explained here.

Physical benefits

Healthy body

We use our body parts to clean our house and surroundings. It makes our body parts active and moving, there is physical exercise which helps us to avoid getting various diseases and we get health benefits.

Personal Hygiene and Healthy Habits

After cleaning around, we even move on to our personal cleaning. As a result, we begin to pay attention to physical hygiene on a daily basis. In the same way, habits like wearing clean clothes, eating hygienic foods, keeping things in the right place that help us to develop healthy habits.

Strong Body

While cleaning, we also do heavy lifting, weeding, shoveling, mowing, and sweeping the floor. As a result, there is physical exercise as well as body building. There are more than one benefit on cleaning the house and surroundings.

Mental Benefits

Peace of Mind

After cleaning, the objects stay in the right place, the places around them look clean, and there is no bad odor in the air, which gives us peace of mind. When the mind is calm, we can control the emotions. Many angry people can control their anger, maturity in decision making; we can reduce wasteful spending and can make a schedule of necessary expenses. If we spend half an hour or an hour in cleaning, it will make the time more energetic.

Get Rid of Bad Feelings

If we have free time, it is advisable to use that time for cleaning own home and surroundings. Since the empty mind is inhabited by the devil, cleaning keeps people engaged in work and prevents bad feelings arising in the mind. If we engage in constant cleaning, positive emotions will reign within us and we will always receive mental energy.

Gain Mental Energy

We need mental energy more than physical energy to achieve the prescribed purpose. If our homes are clean, household items are organized, garbage is not piled up around, stench is not spread, workplace is clean and organized, people get positive energy for thinking, making decisions, planning, performing. If this is not done and the situation is the opposite, then the mental energy of the people decreases and it becomes difficult to achieve the set objective. So the more cleaned and organized environment in front of our eyes, the more mental energy we get and the more organized our activities are.

Increase in Concentration

While cleaning brings physical benefits as well as a calm mind, positive emotions and mental energy, a person can concentrate on his work. One can complete tasks in an orderly manner. Helps to make plans, choose the right plan, mobilize resources, motivate people, and get things done faster and faster.

Increase Confidence

People who clean their house and surroundings in the morning and go to the office are more confident than other people. They always keep themselves clean, live in a clean environment, wear clean clothes, and stay always energetic and confident.

Social Benefits

Positive View of the Society

People who clean their homes and surroundings are well looked after by society. He is considered by the society as a responsible person, he receives congratulations and good wishes from the society, he can get help in times of crisis. Affected by his work, other people can also be involved in cleaning work which will clean the whole society.

Social Cleanliness

If every member of the society regularly cleans his house and surroundings, the whole society will be clean. Cleaning public places like jogging park, Fun Park, picnic spot etc. will make the place look more beautiful. There will be increased social activity.

Social Unity

People from all over the society can join in to clean the road in front of their house. All the people are engaged in this social work by shaking hands. As a result, social unity can be maintained by reducing discrimination and dissension.

Disease Control

Cleaning your home and surroundings helps prevent outbreaks of various communicable diseases in the society. Most communicable diseases originate from garbage. Wherever wastewater accumulates, the number of mosquitoes increases. Mosquito bites cause diseases like malaria, dengue, encephalitis, yellow fever etc. These diseases are transmitted from one person to another in the society through mosquito bites.

Environmental Benefits

Clean Air

The environment inside and outside the house should be clean. This will give us harmless air and make us easier to breathe. Similarly, household waste should be segregated on the basis of nature and kept separate so that it can be recycled and reused. If the air is clean, the rain water will also be clean.

Clean Water

Through our efforts we can keep the water sources we use clean. We should keep the reserve tank used in the house clean. Similarly, publicly used wells, rivers, lakes should also be kept clean by the people of the society together. In this way we can use clean water from home and social sanitation.

Clean Land

Regular cleaning inside and around the house will allow children to play safely. Garbage such as plastic and glass spoils the beauty of many places in the society. Garbage kept in the fertile lands affects the fertility of the soil; cleanliness is essential for a clean land, beautiful environment and clean food.

Economic Benefits

Good Income

It is said that the goddess of wealth always stays in our house while keeping the house and surroundings clean. It is a religious belief but there are many scientific reasons as mentioned above. We see financially different levels of people who keep the house dirty and people who keep it clean. Since cleanliness brings physical, mental, social and environmental benefits, it will definitely contribute to earning money. We are convinced of this.

Tourism Development

There are definitely tourist sites in every society. Tourists are attracted to clean, neat and organized places. Regular cleaning also makes the arrival of the tourists regular which will have a positive impact on the economy of the society.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

10 Characteristics of Early Childhood Development, 2020

Early childhood development is the development of physical, mental, social, cognitive and motor development in children as they get older. Early childhood development period is from the birth of babies to the age of 8 years.  The complexities of the work they do also increase with age. The 10 key features of early childhood development can be mentioned as follows.

Walking practice

When toddlers are 1 and 2 years old, they start practicing walking. Toddlers try to get up and walk by holding things like chairs and beds that come in front of them. They can fall while walking. At this time, they have to take special care. Sharp objects and harmful substances should not be placed near them.

Sudden Anger or Frustration (Tantrums)

During early childhood development, emotional outbursts can be seen in toddlers such as screaming, violent behavior, anger, stubbornness, beating, etc. They show such disposition when their work is interrupted or they do not get what they want. These are all natural conditions seen during early childhood development. It seems to improve as toddlers get older.

Development in memory

When parents take them somewhere or when they look out of the window, they start reacting to the objects they see. That is, they try to be familiar with objects or events. During this time toddlers begin to remember many things. They remember family members, toys, body parts, and pets. Also, with the help of remembrance, they start memorizing short songs and rhymes.

Start talking

Toddlers begin to speak in a parrot voice with words like "yes!", "No!", "I!", "Mine!", "Me!", "more!". They use one of these words to find out something or to hide what they have, or even to ask for something from others. They begin to mimic the sounds of animals, such as cats, dogs, and pigs, and so on.

Toilet training

It is generally believed that toddlers should be taught to use the toilet at the age of two. At this age, they begin to know why they need to go to the toilet and when to go to the toilet. Toddlers before the age of 2 are not feeling these things. After the age of two, they even show interest in toilet training.

The beginning of writing

From the age of three to five, children begin to develop better motor skills. Earlier, when children found pencils, they used to draw on the wall, draw pictures, but now they will start writing the alphabets notebooks. He will also start writing some words and short sentences.

Making imaginary friends

Now children start making friends outside the home or in preschool. Their emotional range begins to widen. They also start imagining. In the imagination, they begin to make friends. They even start talking to the dolls as friends. Children act as some personalities like teaching dolls like a teacher, asking questions like the police, etc.

Start sentences

When children finish their preschool lessons, they will begin to form sentences with more than one word. They will start arguing. If you are watching cartoon videos, then the plays shown there will start speaking by acting in the real world. At this point they will even have a two-way conversation and have no problem asking for what they need, and may even tell you what rank or appearance they need.

To be curious

During preschool, children ask questions with sentences like "why?" "How?". "What is it?", "How does it happen?", "Why is it happening?" Asking questions and even talking about these issues. Where does the milk come from?, and "Where do the babies come from?" Such fascinating curiosities come to their minds.

Development of concepts and ideas

Children now begin to understand words, numbers, and tenses. They put their opinions and thoughts into what someone says. They remember the events and tell their parents and friends as well as form their own opinion.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Qualities and Importance of Leadership


Leadership is the action and skill through which an individual or organization guides a group of individuals or organizations. Here, as a leader, only human beings will be targeted. A leader belongs to a small group and someone leads a large group. Some even become leaders of the country. Students live in groups in school and college. That group is also led by one person. Some do not belong to any group and form and lead a group by attracting others to the place where they live. In the children's play area we can see that one of the children is working as a team leader and the other children are listening and obeying him/her! It can be accepted that the sign of becoming a leader starts appearing from a young age. Sometimes it may appear later.

We can understand leadership in different ways. Most people think of it as political leadership. However, leadership is not limited to this. Its area is wide. A leader is a person who physically leads a small or large group. The leaders can be seen in every field such as villages or cities, families or societies, local or national level politics, schools or universities, sports, professional groups, ethnic groups, religious groups, organizations, employer groups, employee groups, regional level groups, national level groups, international level groups etc. These leaders lead these groups.

Leadership is also associated with emotion. The desires and needs of a group of people tend to be of the same nature. They move a person forward to guide them in the right direction. All members believe in him/her. They see the leader as their problem solver. Through him/her, they present their representation where necessary.

Qualities of leadership

Clear goals

Any organization or group is built to achieve a set goal. Those goals can be determined by leadership ability. The leadership achieves the objectives of the group or organization by setting clear goals, formulating strategies and action plans according to those goals, and mobilizing available resources.

Public relations

The leader maintains a balanced relationship with all stakeholders. Leaders from time to time meet people directly, organize group discussions and express their commitment to solve problems by listening to everyone.

Good listener

Leaders need to be able to listen to others. If he doesn't listen to others well, he won't listen to their suggestions or problems. The question arises as to whether the people are represented or not and they lose faith in the leader. Therefore, a leader should be able to listen carefully to others and think deeply about the problem and solve it.

Inspiring and empathetic

Leaders should always be optimistic and inspiring. Leaders need to have the ability to make people optimistic, to encourage those who are discouraged, to empathize with the victims, and to seek treatment. The leader should be good speaker with goods words.

Gentle and friendly

The leader's speech should always be humble. A good speaker can win the hearts of others. No one can be considered a leader who speaks harshly.

Transparent and honest

The leader must be honest and transparent and can communicate clearly what he is doing.

Confident and committed

The leader must be able to move forward confidently with a commitment to implement and achieve his/her and the group's decisions and plans.

Ability to make decisions

The ability to make decisions is one of the most important qualities of a leader. Planning, strategy and policy cannot be made without making a decision. Leaders have to make immediate and long-term decisions. How can he/she move his car forward if he/she drives without starting the engine?


The leader must take responsibilities for the good or bad deeds done by himself/herself or any member of the organization. Similarly, when the government, shareholders, creditors, employees and workers also ask for an answer, the leader has to answer.


A Leader should always look energetic. He/she should be full of enthusiasm and vigor. No one would believe if he/she sat down with a depressed face. Planning, speech, behavior, body language should always be strong, should be able to provide energy to others.

Creative, innovative and flexible

Creativity, innovation and flexibility are the three qualities that any leader needs. Because being creative makes decision making and problem solving faster. Similarly, innovation helps leaders to embrace change and innovate in working style and action plan. And, flexibility is also associated with creativity and innovation. It reduces stiffness.

The importance of leadership

Assistance in goal setting

Leadership skills provide expertise in setting goals for an organization or group with assessing the strategies, tactics, work schedule, timetable, resources, measures, etc. required to achieve the goals.

To organize tasks

Once an individual or organization has set its goals, the resources, measures, and actions it needs to achieve them must be systematically organized. It helps in achieving the goal. This is what a successful leader can do.

Group representation and collaboration

Leadership unites scattered resources, manpower, ideas, knowledge, abilities, and desires. It builds the group and the leadership represents it. In addition, it represents empathy, emphasizes collaboration and helps achieve organizational objectives by integrating resources.

To provide guidelines

Just as the queen of bees leads her flock to a certain destination, so does leadership provide direction to an organization or group!

Increase in Encouragement, confidence and employees morale

Encouragement is the greatest strength. Without this power, no one can move forward. Institutions are also made up of individuals. These people need to be discouraged and motivated from time to time. It also helps to boost the morale of the employees. Lack of these creates obstacles in achieving the objectives of the organization.

Benefit from change

Society is changing. By using strong leadership capacity, maximum benefits can be provided to the organization from the changing environment. Although changes pose new challenges, the leadership must be able to take advantage of them while remaining supportive.

To fulfill social responsibility

The organization should think about sustainable development rather than development. The responsibility towards the society should not be forgotten while achieving the objectives of the organization. Economic achievement must be taken forward in balance with society and the environment. Such a balance can only be maintained by good and competent leader.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Self Control is the Best Control (If you can't do it yourself, no one else can)


We see many people in our lives trying to control us. There can be different forms of control. These include advice, suggestions, comments, reprimands, intimidation, threats, repeated examinations, assigning responsibilities for complex tasks again by again, and backbiting in society etc. All of these efforts might divert us from our way slightly or more. In some cases, we are walking in the wrong direction, which may be mistaken for what we think is right. In this case, the progressive controls will guide us in the right direction.

We are afraid of the ones we love the most or the ones we respect the most. This fear is dear. Remember, parental control will never be in vain. It would not be appropriate for us to directly reject or react negatively to the control efforts of Parents, best wishers, or even of others. Instead of this, we can cleverly pick up diamonds and leave the sand there. We have a beautiful gift given by nature which is self control. But, how does it work? We are going to discuss this here.

1. Controls at Home

Controls at home include the controls by parents, grandparents, siblings, and relatives. This group can also include domestic workers. But the advice or suggestions of these workers can be difficult words for us. Sometimes we are doing things that our family does not know and we are feeling inside that it is very harmful for us. And, there are some things that our family knows, but we disobey their orders and support our own young stubbornness. For example, hanging out with bat friends, getting addicted, staying out late at night, not paying attention to the parents' objections to the dresses, closing the door and not reading under the pretext of reading, using electronic devises and enjoying the imaginary world more than the real one, being angry over small things and not eating etc. Even though all of these habits are bad, we are not able to distinguish between good and bad. Parents are always working tirelessly to correct these bat habits. We often accuse our parents of interfering in our lives and not allowing us to live independently. Our single-mindedness conquers the conscience that our parents care for us and that it is for us. If you can't easily accept family control, your future will be dark.

Self Control

If the family's advice is followed, the problem will be solved. If it does not seem possible, we can take self-control measures. For this, the first thing we have to do is look at our inner soul. Is there any instruction for us? From God or Nature. Are we sent with a special gift? Each person is given a gift from God. We must work to find that gift, to follow that instruction, and to set our purpose and establish God's plan. We have to think about whether anything we do contributes to that goal. If not, we need to stop doing that immediately. If we can remind our mind of this, then the guidance of the parents will be nectar for us and we will become their obedient children.

2. Controls in Office

Controls in office are often professional. A control system is established in the office. With the help of this, control work is carried out by assigning a task to someone, evaluating the performance, finding out if there is any difference between assigned work and achievement and finding out the reasons for the difference and corrective measures are taken. Sometimes, even in case of non-compliance with the rules of the company or breaking or abusing the authority, an explanation is sought and the management decides for action. It can also be considered a kind of professional control.

Here we are discussing non-professional control. There are three types of people around us in the office- our boss (or seniors), our co-workers and junior staff. Of these, colleagues and juniors do not try to control us, but rather they compete with us and share knowledge. Apart from these, we feel that some types of seniors have repeatedly tried to control us unprofessionally only for fulfilling their personal needs or interests. When a boss of this nature tries to control us, we will never try to change our behavior or attitude. Sometimes we are lucky to be led by the right leader, but when we can't change our own behaviors, we risking our career. Fighting with friends and seniors for small reasons, wasting time without work, being late for office and trying to return home early, trying to abuse available resources and authorities, not doing what the boss says right away (priority), trying to work with our single-mindedness etc. are our anti-career development habits. It needs to be rectified immediately.

Self Control

Habit change is also related to self control. No one can change or control us. But we can control ourselves. It is in our own hands. Our mind listens and obeys our soul. The self control method mentioned in point no.1 for control at home also applies here.

3. Controls by Lovers

We don't get much control from our friends. However husband and wife or girlfriend and boyfriend try to control each other more. You have to dress like this, you have to eat like this, go to this place, don't go to that place, talk to it, don't talk to it, do it, don't do that. They have a lot of ways to control us. These are positive positive controls. We should not forcibly control each other in relationships. 

We can see that self-control in relationships also helps to make the relationships sustainable. General control is fine, but we should not try to control our partners too much. We see a growing rift in the relationship between husband and wife due to misunderstandings. The issue of betrayal cannot be resolved. But if there is a misunderstanding or a small issue, there is need for improvement; there is a need for self-control. 

Self Control

We can solve the problem together or forget the problem. In the event of a war of words, one should immediately shut up. Put cold water in the mouth and run it in the mouth for 15 minutes. It will act as a medicine given by a Sage. Remember those happy moments you spent with each other. Disagreements between us will neither achieve our material purpose or the happiness of the soul. Attempts should be made to bring happiness from at least one person. It would be better to teach a lesson with love than with a word.

4. Controls in School

The school is considered as a temple of education. The teachers play the role of the priest while the devotees are the students themselves. Here discipline is given high importance. It will be the duty of students to follow the discipline and in case of breaking the discipline he/she will be punished. Punishment is also given for not completing homework and class works. Similarly, their own bad habits can also create an uncomfortable in the school. These can cause them to lose control. The future can lead to uncertainty.

Self Control

Even if our parents, teachers, principals, or friends cannot improve our habits, we can. The student's job is simply to read, play, complete the given homework, be disciplined and good marks in the exams. You probably know the life cycle of a butterfly. A butterfly flies when she reaches the fourth and final stage of her life cycle. In other three stages, she does not even try to fly. She enjoys completing her duties in the same conditions in which she is. Students also learn from this. You are in the study stage now. The elder man did this, I should do it too, eat it, I will eat it too, don't follow them, only learn from them about knowledge. Do not try to fly in larva stage. By considering these things, students can get rid of their bad habits.

In many other situations like these, we can avoid distractions through self-control. Our purpose, family and love should be the first priority, for this the power of the mind should be expended , nothing else can distract us.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Computer Language

Computer Language

The term computer language includes a wide variety of languages used to communicate with computers. Different kinds of languages have been developed to perform different types of work on the computer. Basically languages can be divided into two categories. Two basic types of computer languages are:

1. Lower-level language

A language that corresponds directly to a specific machine. There are two types of low-level languages.

Machine language

A language that is directly understood by the hardware. Machine language is the lowest and most Elementary level of programming language. It was the first type of programming language to be developed. It uses binary digits '0' and '1' for giving instructions.

Assembly Language

A slightly more user-friendly language that directly corresponds to machine language. Assembly Language was developed to overcome some of the many inconveniences of machine language. This is another new level but very important language in which operation codes and operands are given in the form of alphanumeric symbols instead of 0 and 1. It is called mnemonics (nodes). Because of this feature Assembly Language is also known as symbolic programming language.

2. High-level language

Any language that is independent of the machine. Types of high-level languages are BASIC (beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code), Fortran (Formula Translation), Pl/1 (Programming Language/one), ALGOL (Algorithmic Language), C, C++, JAVA etc. High-level languages allow a user to give instruction in the English language which makes them easier to learn. Programs developed on one system can be executed on other systems and will produce the same outputs. It uses the translator program for converting the high-level program into machine language. Compiler and interpreter are used as translators in HLL.


Compiler is a translator program that converts to the whole HLL Source program into object code, machine program code at once and also generates list of errors and shows it to the user.


Interpreter is translator program that convert HLL programs line by line. If there is any error at any point or line, program execution will stop until error is removed or debugged.

4GL (Fourth Generation Language)

This generation of language allows non-programmer users to write program to query databases and to generate custom reports. Characteristics of 4GL
  • User-friendly
  • Execution is fast
  • Easy to learn and program by non-programmer user
  • Uses of artificial intelligence and neural network
  • 4GL are closer to human language than other high-level languages and are accessible to people without formal training as programmers. Clarion, Data flax, Forte Tool are example of 4GL.

Short Notes:

Comparison on human language and computer language
Human Language
Computer Language
Keywords/ Reserved Words
Meaning/ Sense

Generation of Computer Language

1st Generation Language - Machine Language

  • It is the least level language,
  • The instruction are written in the form of series of 1's and 0's,
  • It is directly understood by computer,
  • It is time consuming for encoding and decoding,
  • It is quite difficult to write and understand,
  • It is machine dependent i.e. varies from one system architecture to another architecture.

2nd Generation Language - Assembly Language

  • It uses symbolic code (Mnemonic Code) and Binary Code (Machine Code 1's or 0's),
  • It is also machine dependent language,
  • It is quite easier than machine language,
  • It is also called low level language.

3rd Generation Language - High Level Language

  • More approach to human language,
  • It uses English language for instructions.
  • Procedural Language/ Procedural Oriented Language
  • Most of the programming language falls on this categories. Example, COBOL, FORTRAN... etc.

4th Generation Language

  • Problem Oriented Language/ Non-procedural Language
  • Most of all database system falls on this categories.

5th Generation Language Natural Language

Instructions are in the form of human voice (human language). Example, Prolog (program logic)

   Language Processors or Translators

It is the system software that translates source code to object code.

Types of Translator/ Language Processor

  1. Assembler
  2. Compiler/ Interpreter


It is the system software that translates a source code/program written in assembly language into machine code.


It is the system software that translates a source code/program written in high level language into machine code.

Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

Compiler works on the complete program at once. It takes the entire program at once.
Interpreter program works line-by-line. It takes one statement at a time as input.
Compiler generates intermediate code, called the object code or machine code.
Interpreter does not generate intermediate object code or machine code.
Compiler executes conditional control statements (like if-else and switch case) and logical constructs faster than interpreter.
Interpreter executes conditional control statements at a much slower speed.
Compiled programs take more memory because the entire object code has to reside in memory.
Interpreter does not generate intermediate object code. As a result, interpreter programs are more memory efficient.
Compile once and run anytime. Compiled program does not need to be compiled every time.
Interpreted programs are interpreted line-by-line every time they are run.
Errors are reported after the entire program is checked for syntactical and other errors.
Error is reported as soon as the first error is encountered. Rest of the program will not be checked until the existing error is removed.
A compiled language is more difficult to debug.
Debugging is easy because interpreter stops and reports errors as it encounters them.
Compiler does not allow a program to run until it is completely error-free.
Interpreter runs the program from fist line and stops execution only if it encounters an error.
Compiled languages are more efficient but difficult to debug.
Interpreted languages are less efficient but easier to debug. This makes such languages an ideal choice for new students.
Examples of programming languages that use Compilers: C, C++, COBOL
Examples of programming languages that use interpreters: BASIC, Visual Basic, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, MATLAB, Lisp


  • The error of computer program.
  • Error in computer language.


The process of eliminating error (bug).

Types of Bugs

1. Syntax Error

  • Due to the structure of instruction or reserved word.
  • It is signaled by translator.

     2. Logical Errors

  • Due to the logic of programmer.

     3. Runtime Errors

Due to hardware fault.
Computer Hardware and Software

What is System

  • Group of components working together to realize an objective.


A person who operates the system
  • User: A person/ an organization
  • Operator: A person


  • The physical components/Tangible components(Touchable components/ feel/ see),
  • The working parts of the computer,
  • The component that participates on different computer activities (input, process, output).

Types of Hardware

  • Input device/unit/hardware
  • Output device
  • Processing device
  • Input-output device
  • Storing device
  • Interfaces(ports)
  • Cable/wires etc.


  • The logical components of a computer,
  • It is soul part of computer,
  • It instructs hardware to perform specific operation,
  • Computer is just a 'Metallic Box' without software,
  • It is the collection/set up/ Integration of Programs/Procedures/Routines.

Input A
Here, "Input" is opcode and "A" is operand

Opcode (operation code)

  • The part of machine code instruction that defines the operation to be performed.
  • Opcode is code that instructs the computer on what task it should perform.


  • The quality on which an operation is to be done.
  • In computing, an operand is the part of a computer instruction which specifies what data is to be manipulated or operated on, while at the same time representing the data itself.


  • It is the combination form of opcode and operand that performs specific task.

Instruction = Opcode + Operand
  • For a computer to do something, instructions have to be given to the computer processor so it knows how to do what it is being asked to do.

For example, if you were to ask the computer to draw a square, it would need a set of instructions on how to draw the square, so it can complete the task.


  • It is the collection of related instructions that perform specific job. Example, adding two numbers and print the result.

Input A
Input B
C = A + B
Print C, is a program
  • A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program's instructions in a central processing unit.


Collection of related programs for specific purpose.
Example, Bold and Italic in word are programs and Word is software.
  • Computer software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with computer, its hardware, or perform tasks. Without software, computers would be useless. For example, without internet browser, we could not surf the internet.
  • Computer software consists of computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data (such as online documentation or digital media).
  • Computer software is non-tangible, contrasted with the computer hardware, which is physical component of computer.

Types of Software

A. System Software

  • The integration of programs that performs system related task.
  • System software is computer software designed to provide services to other software.
  • Example of system software include operating system, computational science software, game engines, industrial automation, and software as a service applications.

  1. System management- Operating system
  2. System support- Utilities
  3. System development- Programming language or language processor
  4. System communication- Network system

B. Application Software

The collection of programs that perform user related tasks (fulfil demand or requirement of users).
  1. Taylor/ Custom/ Bespoke software- for organization/ a person
  2. Package-a) Designed for common users, b) Global application.

Types of Software (another way of classification)
  1. System Software
  2. Utility Software
  3. Application Software

System software is a works as a bridge between Hardware and Application Software.

Differences between Impact printers and Non-impact printers

Differences between Impact printers and Non-impact printers



Impact printers

Non-impact printers

Produces text and images when tiny wire pins on print head strike the ink ribbon by physically contacting the paper
Produces text and graphics on paper without actually striking the paper
Dot-matrix printer
Inkjet printer, laser printer and thermal printer
Low printing speed
Reasonably fast
Print quality lower in some types
High quality of output, capable of printing fine and smooth details
Letter quality
Produce near letter quality (NLQ) print only, which is just suitable for printing mailing labels, envelopes, or invoices
Letter-quality printouts

Not commonly used today
Most commonly used printer today
 Uses ink ribbon
Uses ink spray or toner powder
Less expensive
More expensive
Reliable, durable (lasting for a long time)
Print head is less durable, inclined towards to clogging and damage
Sound effects
Generally noisy because of the striking activity
Generally much quieter than impact printers because there is no striking mechanism
Image clarity
Poor graphics or none at all
Can handle graphics and often a wider variety of fonts than impact printers
  Multipart forms
Ideal for printing multipart forms because they can easily print through many layers of paper
Cannot print multipart forms
Color output
Limited color printing
Capable of printing in strong clear color, good for printing pictures