The Earth is our common place of origin and it is protecting us. It has provided us with food, water, air, shelter, medicine, resources and beautiful scenery etc. Our primary duty is to protect it. One of the ways to protect the earth is to keep your home and surroundings clean. From this we can get physical, mental, social, environmental and economic benefits as explained here.
Physical benefits
Healthy body
We use our body parts to clean our house and surroundings. It makes our body parts active and moving, there is physical exercise which helps us to avoid getting various diseases and we get health benefits.
Personal Hygiene and Healthy Habits
After cleaning around, we even move on to our personal cleaning. As a result, we begin to pay attention to physical hygiene on a daily basis. In the same way, habits like wearing clean clothes, eating hygienic foods, keeping things in the right place that help us to develop healthy habits.
Strong Body
While cleaning, we also do heavy lifting, weeding, shoveling, mowing, and sweeping the floor. As a result, there is physical exercise as well as body building. There are more than one benefit on cleaning the house and surroundings.
Mental Benefits
Peace of Mind
After cleaning, the objects stay in the right place, the places around them look clean, and there is no bad odor in the air, which gives us peace of mind. When the mind is calm, we can control the emotions. Many angry people can control their anger, maturity in decision making; we can reduce wasteful spending and can make a schedule of necessary expenses. If we spend half an hour or an hour in cleaning, it will make the time more energetic.
Get Rid of Bad Feelings
If we have free time, it is advisable to use that time for cleaning own home and surroundings. Since the empty mind is inhabited by the devil, cleaning keeps people engaged in work and prevents bad feelings arising in the mind. If we engage in constant cleaning, positive emotions will reign within us and we will always receive mental energy.
Gain Mental Energy
We need mental energy more than physical energy to achieve the prescribed purpose. If our homes are clean, household items are organized, garbage is not piled up around, stench is not spread, workplace is clean and organized, people get positive energy for thinking, making decisions, planning, performing. If this is not done and the situation is the opposite, then the mental energy of the people decreases and it becomes difficult to achieve the set objective. So the more cleaned and organized environment in front of our eyes, the more mental energy we get and the more organized our activities are.
Increase in Concentration
While cleaning brings physical benefits as well as a calm mind, positive emotions and mental energy, a person can concentrate on his work. One can complete tasks in an orderly manner. Helps to make plans, choose the right plan, mobilize resources, motivate people, and get things done faster and faster.
Increase Confidence
People who clean their house and surroundings in the morning and go to the office are more confident than other people. They always keep themselves clean, live in a clean environment, wear clean clothes, and stay always energetic and confident.
Social Benefits
Positive View of the Society
People who clean their homes and surroundings are well looked after by society. He is considered by the society as a responsible person, he receives congratulations and good wishes from the society, he can get help in times of crisis. Affected by his work, other people can also be involved in cleaning work which will clean the whole society.
Social Cleanliness
If every member of the society regularly cleans his house and surroundings, the whole society will be clean. Cleaning public places like jogging park, Fun Park, picnic spot etc. will make the place look more beautiful. There will be increased social activity.
Social Unity
People from all over the society can join in to clean the road in front of their house. All the people are engaged in this social work by shaking hands. As a result, social unity can be maintained by reducing discrimination and dissension.
Disease Control
Cleaning your home and surroundings helps prevent outbreaks of various communicable diseases in the society. Most communicable diseases originate from garbage. Wherever wastewater accumulates, the number of mosquitoes increases. Mosquito bites cause diseases like malaria, dengue, encephalitis, yellow fever etc. These diseases are transmitted from one person to another in the society through mosquito bites.
Environmental Benefits
Clean Air
The environment inside and outside the house should be clean. This will give us harmless air and make us easier to breathe. Similarly, household waste should be segregated on the basis of nature and kept separate so that it can be recycled and reused. If the air is clean, the rain water will also be clean.
Clean Water
Through our efforts we can keep the water sources we use clean. We should keep the reserve tank used in the house clean. Similarly, publicly used wells, rivers, lakes should also be kept clean by the people of the society together. In this way we can use clean water from home and social sanitation.
Clean Land
Regular cleaning inside and around the house will allow children to play safely. Garbage such as plastic and glass spoils the beauty of many places in the society. Garbage kept in the fertile lands affects the fertility of the soil; cleanliness is essential for a clean land, beautiful environment and clean food.
Economic Benefits
Good Income
It is said that the goddess of wealth always stays in our house while keeping the house and surroundings clean. It is a religious belief but there are many scientific reasons as mentioned above. We see financially different levels of people who keep the house dirty and people who keep it clean. Since cleanliness brings physical, mental, social and environmental benefits, it will definitely contribute to earning money. We are convinced of this.
Tourism Development
There are definitely tourist sites in every society. Tourists are attracted to clean, neat and organized places. Regular cleaning also makes the arrival of the tourists regular which will have a positive impact on the economy of the society.